
The Business Problem

Sometimes the problem isn't a lack of information.  Sometimes the problem is that customers don't buy-in to the idea that the enterprise knows best.  Today's customers are savvier than ever and they seek the opinions of your customers.

The old rule of thumb was that one unhappy customer would tell ten people about their bad experience.  But with more people than ever before scouring the Web for content related to their needs, one unhappy customer may reach far more than ten people.

That same old rule said that one happy customer may tell only three people about their good experience, fortunately companies have more power than ever before to reach customers and balance and even tip the scales in the company's favor.  The challenge is finding a place where happy voices can be heard as easily as the unhappy.

Customer Engagement Community Solution

Community is more than a word.  It is a revolution in delivering the preeminent customer experience without relinquishing control of your brand.  While communities provide a platform for all customer voices, communities are quickly becoming a preferred source of customer support and the ideal ecosphere for harvesting social wisdom to inform and transform everything from product features to company vision.

When paired with a KM system like Knowledgebase, Community amplifies positive customer voices, provides valuable insight to customer needs as they change and a platform for immediate feedback about products, services and how your company is perceived.

Community also brings an important social aspect to your existing KM efforts.  As the numbers of people that utilize communities increase, so does the number of people that thrive on helping others.  Leverage this willingness to help others as a method to seed and sustain the existing knowledge base with content that is perceived as more relevant, accurate, and unbiased.

Community benefits you in a number of ways:

  • Builds brand loyalty
  • Ensures the Voice of the Customer is heard
  • Increases the reach of positive word of mouth
  • Is a source of innovation
  • Augments traditional knowledge management
  • Improves Search Engine Optimization driving more traffic to your website
  • Streamline Customer Interaction

    Optimise your Service Proposition. Improve your Customer Experience.

  • Integrated Solutions for your business

    Increase Sales. Reduce Costs. Improve your Customer Experience.

IT Solutions Ltd, 18-19 College Green, Dublin 2, Ireland. + 353 1 671 8344 Company Registration Number: 152789 © 2024 IT Solutions Ltd,